
Last Post Of 2010; Moan.

New Year is when my Grinch kicks in. I hate new year. I hate the social pressure there is to celebrate it. I hate how expensive it is to escape it. I hate how people you don't know wish you a 'happy new year for 2011' when really, they couldn't care less how the year goes for you. I hate how annoyingly drunk 99% of people are and they always seem to be the irritating, sick or violent drunks. I hate how people say 'good riddance to bad rubbish, 2011 will be my year, yadda yadda yadda' yet change nothing. I hate 'new year resolutions' that never get kept, if people wanted to change something that badly, why can they only do it on that 1 day out of 365.24? I just hate it. But on a more positive note, I'm not going to insincerely wish you all a happy new year, but I will say I hope 2011 is a good one. Chin chin.

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